Comments on COVID-19
Dear Mercanta Customers,
In light of the current situation, we would like to share some words of assurance and information as to how COVID-19 will affect our business, and in turn yours.
We are living in uncertain and turbulent times, but as of today, business continues as usual. We’re taking each day as it comes, adhering to the advice provided by health professionals and the Governments of the jurisdictions that we operate in globally. Our nominated warehouses are currently operating without interruption, as are transport links, and delivery services. We are available, as usual, via phone or email.
It is more than likely that, in the near future, additional measures will be taken to contain COVID-19. As the situation unfolds, we will keep you informed on the impact of these measures. Our warehouses around the globe are developing strategies to continue business as usual as we speak. We will endeavour to assist where possible. There is gathering awareness of the potential of supply-side disruptions from origin, but until now we have not seen this, though it may start to unfold. Our 7 global distribution warehouses, currently remaining operational, are fully stocked with coffees contracted for forward delivery and with additional supplies available for sale
One immediate side effect of the COVID-19 virus has been the collapse of GBP£ Sterling against the US$ Dollar by more than 10% (to levels worse than after the Brexit vote). Unlike others, we have NOT increased our spot Sterling prices for specialty coffee in store, but we will have no choice than to adjust forward prices reflecting the reality of the current exchange rate.
Please be advised that the situation is changing on a daily basis, and deliveries may be running on a reduced service in the coming weeks. We will keep you updated as soon as we receive any pertinent news.
The ultimate goal is to mitigate and manage the effect that this pandemic will have on your business and ours. More importantly, we are committed to protecting the wellbeing and livelihoods of those who are a part of the Mercanta supply chain, not least in the 17 origin countries that we are currently operating in.
From the Mercanta Team across the globe, we are wishing all the very best to you and your loved ones. Please do not hesitate to call or email should you require any further information.
Yours Sincerely,
Mercanta The Coffee Hunters