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Flor de Café

In the northern reaches of the country is the region of Nueva Segovia, bordering Honduras with high mountains ideal for coffee production. It is here, in the Dipilto and Monsonte municipalities where exceptional coffee is grown.

  • Farm Flor de Café
  • Varietal Various
  • Process Fully washed
  • Altitude 1,250 metres above sea level
  • Town / City Dipilto and Mosonte
  • Region Nueva Segovia
  • Owner Various
  • Tasting Notes Cashew Butter, Caramel, Chocolate
  • Farm Size 20 hectares
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Flor de Café

During the harvest, the cherries are carefully handpicked on the steep slopes and delivered to a processing area located on each farm. Each coffee contributed to this lot underwent the Washed method, which begins with the cherries being sorted for quality and submerging them in a tank of water to remove the floating cherries. Each farm has their own processing facilities to remove the external pulp from the coffee. This is done with a two-to-four-nozzle pulping machine. The coffee then ferments in piles for 24 – 36 hours. After fermentation, the coffee is washed with clean water to remove any remaining mucilage. This water is carefully purified in oxidation lagoons after processing.

As soon as the coffee is cleaned, it is transported to the Cafetos dry mill, which is an average of 25 kilometers away. Here, the coffee dries for roughly 15 days, with the moisture content carefully monitored to ensure an even drying. After drying, the coffee is hulled and prepared for export.

About Nicaragua

Introduced into the country in the mid-1800s and forming a central position in the country’s economy for more than a century, coffee is currently Nicaragua’s primary export. Its production generates over $448 million dollars a year in exports, representing 8.2% of overall exports, and provides more than 200,000 jobs to locals.
