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Finca Los Altiplanos

Founded in the late 1930s by a Scotsman named Mr. Potter, Finca Los Altiplanos was soon sold later in the decade when he returned to Scotland, to the president at the time, Anastasio Somoza García. The land was confiscated by the Nicaraguan state in the 1980s and incorporated into the swathes of land dedicated to the agrarian reform.

  • Farm Finca Los Altiplanos
  • Varietal Parainema
  • Process Natural
  • Altitude 1,100 - 1,280 metres above sea level
  • Town / City Comarca La Salvadora
  • Region Jinotega
  • Owner Ricardo Cuadra Fajardo
  • Tasting Notes Nougat, orange, honey
  • Farm Size 140 hectares
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Finca Los Altiplanos

Fourteen years ago, Ricardo Cuadra Fajardo saw the farm for sale, and fell in love, purchasing instantly. Finca Los Altiplanos is situated inside the Datanlí El Diablo Nature Reserve and is surrounded by a plethora of local flora and fauna. The Jugüina River also borders the farm, providing fresh water for the coffee and other vegetation.

Ricardo plants wheat and various vegetables in addition to his coffee. 30 hectares of the farm are classified as native jungle, and the coffee grows under a diverse canopy of shade. Specifically, the coffee thrives thanks to the three varieties of guaba growing throughout the farm. Guaba not only provides
shade for the coffee, but also aids with the fixation of Nitrogen, and provides a renewable source of energy in the form of firewood.
There are 25 permanent employees on the farm and 180 temporary employees who come during the harvest. Basic grains and bananas are planted throughout Finca Los Altiplanos to feed these workers and provide them with a form of nourishment.

About Nicaragua

Introduced into the country in the mid-1800s and forming a central position in the country’s economy for more than a century, coffee is currently Nicaragua’s primary export. Its production generates over $448 million dollars a year in exports, representing 8.2% of overall exports, and provides more than 200,000 jobs to locals.
