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Swiss Water Process Supremo Decaf

  • Farm Swiss Water Process Supremo Decaf
  • Varietal Various
  • Process Decaf
  • Altitude 1,200 to 1,800 metres above sea level
  • Region Medellin
  • Owner 51,300 smallholder producers
  • Tasting Notes Caramel, Lemon
  • Farm Size 1-5 hectares on average
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Swiss Water Process Supremo Decaf

Similarly, to the Mountain Water Process, a solution is created by soaking green coffee in water, allowing the soluble components in the coffee to leave the beans via the water. Using carbon filters, the caffeine is removed, the green beans are discarded, leaving a solution that is supersaturated with soluble coffee components, called a GCE (Green Coffee Extract). Green coffee to be decaffeinated is then immersed in this solution. The GCE flows over the green coffee beans and to find equilibrium, the caffeine in those coffee beans begins to migrate into the GCE. No other solubles migrate from the coffee beans, as Caffeine is the only substance preventing equilibrium and missing from the GCE solution. The GCE now contains caffeine but not for long, it flows through carbon filters that trap the caffeine molecules and is removed. This happens continuously for 10 hours, under finely controlled and monitored conditions, resulting in green coffee beans that are 99.9% caffeine-free and ready for roasting.

About Colombia

Colombia is the third largest coffee-producing country in the world, and thanks to its vast array of unique microclimate, are able to have harvests throughout the year.

Commercial coffee cultivation began in the mid-1830s and spread so rapidly that throughout the twentieth century coffee already became the country’s leading export. A mountainous topography and many tropical micro-climates contribute greatly to Colombia’s reputation for ideal growing conditions, which – in turn – have helped Colombia establish itself as a recognisable origin around the world.

The diversity of coffee and profiles found across Colombia is enormous and coffee is harvested practically year-round depending on the region. The main harvest takes place from October to February with November and December being the peak months. There is also a second fly (or ‘mitaca’) crop several months later, again varying by region and microclimate.
