How To Order

Mchana Estate

This specific lot is naturally processed and begins with the cherries being carefully harvested when fully ripe. The cherries are then delivered to the mill to be sorted and floated, removing the underripe cherries. Afterwards, the cherries are fermented in water for 12 hours to breakdown the external fruit layer. Once complete, the cherries are moved to raised beds to dry in the open sun for 4 to 5 weeks, or until the ideal moisture content is reached. The dried cherries are then stored in bags before being hulled, polished, and prepared for export.

  • Farm Mchana Estate
  • Varietal Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
  • Process Natural
  • Altitude 1,600 to 1,766 metres above sea level
  • Town / City Ruiru
  • Region Kiambu County
  • Owner Coffee Management Services
  • Tasting Notes Juicy peach and cherries, honey, chocolate and hazelnuts.
  • Farm Size 906 hectares
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Mchana Estate

Today’s Mchana Estate is 906 hectares with 458 hectares under coffee – almost the same original amount of hectare used to grow coffee as in 1950, making it one of Kenya’s largest. However, throughout the latter part of the 20th and early part of the 21st centuries, areas of the farm went into disrepair and some plots became semi-abandoned. Irrigation was installed on Mchana Estate in the sixties, and this kept production viable, but productivity per tree dropped, and the farm struggled to produce the optimal quality for which it had previously been known.

About Kenya

Despite its proximity to the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia, coffee growing was introduced in Kenya relatively late – by Scottish missionaries, initially, and then commercially around 1900. Despite the late start, today, it is a country renowned for having some of the best coffees in the world. Nonetheless, Kenya’s coffee sector faces challenges for the future, and low global prices combined with climate change and population growth have diminished the country’s output over the last decade.
