How To Order

Humberto Cortez

This lot specifically comes from our exporting partners in Colombia, Pergamino, who have worked with coffee producers for the past 30 years to export high quality coffee throughout the world. Humberto Cortez, the producer of this lot, has been growing coffee since he was a child. His wife also has grown up immersed in the coffee industry, and their years of dedication and knowledge are revealed in the quality of the cup.

  • Farm Humberto Cortez - Miraville
  • Varietal Tabi & Caturra
  • Process Fully washed
  • Altitude 1,850 metres above sea level
  • Town / City San Miguel, La Plata
  • Region Huila
  • Owner Humberto Cortez
  • Tasting Notes Sticky sweet and rich. Cranberry, berries and black currants upfront, backed up by sarsaparilla, picnic chocolate bar and sweet florals.
  • Farm Size 2 hectares
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Humberto Cortez

His 2-hectare farm, Miravalle, is constantly growing with new trees to experiment with different varietals. Humberto has worked with Pergamino’s allied producer program for the past four years, and his hard work has helped the quality and yield of his farm grow to its size today. With the high altitudes and delicate precipitation, Miravalle has the ideal climate for high quality coffee.

After Humberto picks the evenly ripened coffee cherries, they undergo the washed processing method. First, the exterior pulp is removed and the remaining coffee seeds ferment without water to initiate the breakdown of the remaining exterior mucilage. This fermentation step lasts for 48 hours before being moved to raised beds to dry in the open sun under plastic. Once the ideal moisture content is reached, the coffee is transported to the dry mill, hulled, and prepared for export.

About Colombia

Colombia is the third largest coffee-producing country in the world, and thanks to its vast array of unique microclimate, are able to have harvests throughout the year.

Commercial coffee cultivation began in the mid-1830s and spread so rapidly that throughout the twentieth century coffee already became the country’s leading export. A mountainous topography and many tropical micro-climates contribute greatly to Colombia’s reputation for ideal growing conditions, which – in turn – have helped Colombia establish itself as a recognisable origin around the world.

The diversity of coffee and profiles found across Colombia is enormous and coffee is harvested practically year-round depending on the region. The main harvest takes place from October to February with November and December being the peak months. There is also a second fly (or ‘mitaca’) crop several months later, again varying by region and microclimate.
