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Gargari Gutity Yirgacheffe Grade 1

Grown in the well-known Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia, this coffee comes from a collection of smallholder producers in the town of Gedeb.

Coffee is a family crop – grown by households within small gardens, on less than one hectare of land. Producers line their homes with coffee trees, and it is the primary source of income. It is common for producers to intercrop enset, the Ethiopian banana, avocados, and papaya to have additional food sources.

  • Farm Gargari Gutity Yirgacheffe
  • Varietal 74110
  • Process Natural
  • Altitude 1,983 meters above sea level
  • Region SNNPR,Gediyo, Gedeb, Banko Gutity
  • Owner Various smallholder producers
  • Tasting Notes Winey, mix of cranberries and raspberries, white peach, fragrant bergamot, black tea.
  • Farm Size Less than 1 hectare on average
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Gargari Gutity Yirgacheffe Grade 1

Although this is an ancient and rich coffee-producing region; producers are still facing threats such as climate change and alterations in the environment. Additionally, as the climate shifts to warmer and moister conditions – it is creating a more habitable area for the Coffee Berry Borer, a common coffee pest in Ethiopia. On top of that, producers also struggle with the fluctuating market and high input costs.

To combat these obstacles, producers have begun to work with agricultural development agents to create new environmental protection projects. These projects include removing older trees and replanting with more sustainable varieties. To ameliorate the ever-changing market, various stakeholder organizations are working to pay fairer prices to the producers.

About Ethiopia

Ethiopia, widely acknowledged as the birthplace of coffee (to the chagrin of Yemen and Sudan, who have also laid claim), produces some of the most exceptional and dramatic coffees found anywhere in the world. From the bright bergamot and floral Yirgacheffe to the ripe fruit notes of Harrar, the unique flavours offered by this spectacular country have, over the last 10 years, become some of the most sought after in specialty coffee.
