How To Order

Fazenda Vila Boa

Originally a psychologist, Monica Borges de Sousa, owner of Fazenda Vila Boa’s, decided to leave her profession behind to become a coffee producer. Now certified carbon neutral, Monica continues to push Fazenda Vila Boa forward, revolutionizing production techniques for the future of coffee.

  • Farm Fazenda Vila Boa
  • Varietal Catuaí
  • Process 72 hour Oak Barrel Fermentation
  • Altitude 1,140 meters above sea level
  • Town / City Carmo da Mata
  • Region Campos da Vertentes/ Sul de Minas
  • Owner Monica Borges de Sousa
  • Farm Size 382 hectares
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Fazenda Vila Boa

Fazenda Vila Boa is located in the region known locally as Vertentes, as it forms a border between two important basins in Brazil: the Grande River Basin (which runs to the south) and the São Francisco River Basin (which runs to the northeast).

Founded in 1988, Fazenda Vila Boa began after Monica inherited 90 hectares of farmland from her father. Monica decided to name her estate Vila Boa, or ‘pleasant town’, as the mission was to form an assortment of good, like-minded people. Monica and her husband, who at the time was still an engineer, began by planting the first 7-hectare terroir with coffee: known today as Campos das Vertentes. Since that time, Monica and her husband have developed a deep passion for specialty coffee.

About Brazil

Coffee was introduced to the country back in the early 18th century, which rapidly spread throughout Brazil, making it the leading producer of coffee worldwide.

Additionally, Brazil is the only country to utilize mechanized harvesting tools to assist with the extensive coffee fields. The flat topography of the country allows for the ease of machines to slowly comb through the coffee trees and remove ripe cherries. Advanced agricultural technology has allowed for the even harvesting of cherries and prevents uneven harvesting.

Today, the well-known coffee producing regions are Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Bahia.
